April 7, 2010

Seventh Generation Rebate and Coupons

Seventh Generation has some great offers this month in honor of Earth Day.  Click here to get a $5.00 rebate on the purchase of three products.

You can also print out a ton of coupons on their website.

•Save $1.00 on Disinfecting Multi-Purpose Cleaner, Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner, or Disinfecting Wipes.
•Save $1.00 on Laundry, Dish, Cleaning, Disinfecting, Paper, Baby Care, and Feminine Care products.
•Save $1.00 when you buy ONE (1) package of Seventh Generation Diapers, Wipes, or Training Pants.
•Save $1.00 on Seventh Generation 2X Concentrated Laundry Liquid, Laundry Powder, Fabric Softener, Fabric Softener Sheets, or Chlorine Free Bleach.
•Save $2.00 when you buy any 2 Laundry, Dishwashing, Household Cleaning, Paper, Baby care, or Feminine care products.


Anonymous April 8, 2010 at 6:26 AM  

Thanks for the info!!